08 June 2018

I feel so much ease

Getting away from social media is actually giving me freedom.

I've deactivate my IG and my personal twitter account.

I've been thinking for a long time to deactivate my IG cus at some point, it annoys me so much.

So yeah I'm thinking to deactivate till the end of ramadhan.

The good of deactivate: at least org tak boleh jmpe kau pnye account, dan tak boleh nak unfollow huhuhu.

Sbb aku prasan kalau aku senyap menyepi for a few months, ade je follower yg mula unfollow aku. Masalahnye org yg aku kenal plak tu ciss. So kalini kalau aku senyap menyepi, takde sape dh boleh unfollow. padan muka hang takyah nak acah hot sangat lah

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