10 August 2018


Bye blogger. Aku berpindah ke wordpress.

So sila ke: shunkazama.wordpress.com

08 July 2018



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Dan mungkin ini usaha aku yg terakhir untuk org yg aku suka. Kalau takde jugak, I'm done here.

08 June 2018

I feel so much ease

Getting away from social media is actually giving me freedom.

I've deactivate my IG and my personal twitter account.

I've been thinking for a long time to deactivate my IG cus at some point, it annoys me so much.

So yeah I'm thinking to deactivate till the end of ramadhan.

The good of deactivate: at least org tak boleh jmpe kau pnye account, dan tak boleh nak unfollow huhuhu.

Sbb aku prasan kalau aku senyap menyepi for a few months, ade je follower yg mula unfollow aku. Masalahnye org yg aku kenal plak tu ciss. So kalini kalau aku senyap menyepi, takde sape dh boleh unfollow. padan muka hang takyah nak acah hot sangat lah

09 March 2018

D-4 to interview with spa


i thought im not gonna be nervous anymore. because i've been to interview a few times before this, but here i am worrying bout something that's not happening yet. maybe because this is my first time interview with the government

okay lets just stop worrying. and just keep praying for the best. 


"Dont waste your time worrying when Allah is the Controller of everything. Trust him"

"Allah is the best of planner. Trust him"
Image result for gif anime snow tumblr

himnae dearself! (≧ω≦)ゞ

19 January 2018


btw can i have a kim minkyu now?


12 January 2018


bila diam, tanya kenapa bagai. bila banyak cakap, suruh diam.

yeah im just gonna...

Image result for spongebob kill gif

03 January 2018

interbiu lagi

This one aku saje saje apply. ekceli mcm sesaje je search kat twitter 'keje kosong', then jumpa pulak ada satu company ni urgent nak orang.

Masa otw nk pi sana, kemain lah sesat mesat. time tu serious ah aku dah rasa mcm nk give up. aku ckp kat mak "Eeee, ni yg rasa dah takde mood nk pi interview ni. Nak pi opis dia pun dah sesat. Rasa mcm tak nak pegi je" Serious memusing musing kitorang carik. Tapi mak pulak yg kuat semangat "Cuba jelah. Dah nak smpai dah ni"

Then bila dah smpai, nampaklah opis dia tgh mcm baru nk kemas kemas barang gitu. Rupanya company ni sangat sangat baru. So dia baru nk startup pe semua lah time tu. Aku interview pun dlm bilik yg dipenuhi dgn kotak kotak hahaha. Tapi aku tak kisah pun, at least takdelah awkward ke apa. Sebab staff lelain sume tgh busy. And dia pnye interview mmg sempoi gila. Eventho dia converse tu dalam english, tp still sempoi.

Dia pun cakap dia nk sementara je sebenarnya ni. So aku pun lagi suka lah. Sbb aku pun mmg nk part time je before dapat panggilan atc tu. takpun sambung belajar ke. (semoga dapat, aaminnn)

I can say that the interview going pretty well. but tbh i dont put any hope on it lol. bcuz the office is quite far from the LRT. tp environment ofis dia mcm best lah gak. mostly nmpk mcm friendly. cuma nk ke sana tu je, dahlah jalan sesak... hmm.